2022 Numerology, 6 Universal Year: Regeneration, Responsibility, & Relationships

Aujha Aye
5 min readJan 18, 2022


Photo courtesy of Google Images.

Each year, the numerical breakdown provides insight into the types of energies that the collective will experience for the next 365 (or 366, if it’s a leap year) days. This energy can, and will touch all aspects of life, contributing to the development of what is to come. To calculate the universal energy for the calendar year it only takes a simple equation. In numerology numbers are reduced to single digits (unless the math breaks down to master number 11, 22, or 33). To calculate the numerology for the year, add all of the digits together.

2+0+2+2= 6

Universal Year Energy: 6

Last year the Universal energy resonated with the number five. When it comes to numerology and the energy of number, five can be described simply as altering, transformative, and at times — chaotic. Moving away from last’s years 5 Universal energy can be accompanied with an exaggerated sigh of relief. Think about it…last year started with the invasion of the capitol, there were fires everywhere (and all the time), and we were still living through what seems to be the plot-line of a dystopian fiction series. While last year may be one that we try to push out of our minds, it’s important to remember everything that transpired for you on an individual, contributed to your current path of progression that will play out over the course of this year. As we move into and throughout the calendar year of 2022, we’ll notice a change in our vibration that will leave us feeling a lot more stable, prepared, and content.

Photo courtesy of Google Images.

Going into 2022, the energy will be less electrically charged. This doesn’t mean that we’ll stop shaking and moving, it just means the way we shake and move is going to look a little different in comparison to last year. Six is a harmonious number associated with stability, progression, love, and abundance. The themes for the year revolve around regeneration, responsibility, and relationships. After last year, it is natural to feel like we need to do whatever is needed to recalibrate and realign with our highest good. This year will be a period of regeneration in which we will be prompted to take the time to nurture ourselves back into a space of health, harmony, and happiness. 2021 was such a crazy time but, it also allowed us a little bit of freedom. Many people operated out of the mindset that the next day may not be promised, and therefore the present day should be spent doing whatever tickles their fancy — lots of people quit their jobs, moved to different places on a whim, or participated in some sort of life altering situation that allowed them to break away from previous cycles and obstacles.

This year we get to make good on the changes we’ve made and place the time and effort into these things to see them come into full fruition. Additionally, the relationship energy associated with the numerical characteristics of this year will bring familial relationships, companionships, and romantic relationships to the forefront. Many of us will spend a lot of time reevaluating our current relationships (or lack thereof), behaviors in relationships, and desires when it comes to these areas. The most important theme for 2022 is responsibility. As we build upon the solid foundations of changed that we initiated in the previous year, it is imperative that we stick to our guns. While change is inevitable, the success that is expected to accompany [the change] will not manifest without work and positive intention. The work being done over the year will help prepare us for the energies of alignment and ascension that will be ushering in once we make it to 2023.

The number six is associated with the sixth house in astrology (Virgo). So, as we move throughout the year the characteristic associated with general Virgo energy and sixth house dealings will be prominent in our day-to-day lives. Expect to place more emphasis on your physical health and presentation (Assume to experience periods of increased focus on personal aesthetic anytime we have a year associated with fire or earth energy), your physical dwelling space, career, and routine. 6H is also associated with Mercury [re: also Gemini], so there will also be an underlying Mercurial influence to this year’s energy. Mercury is the planet that governs communication, perspective, intellect, interpersonal relationships, and travel. The six numerical influence will give more of an analytical and progressive influence to any decisions made this year. Even if the reason is not quite evident on a surface level, everything happening in our individual lives will be contributing to the foundations that will be most present as we finish out this numerical cycle (ending in 2025, 9 Universal Year).

The Lovers card from The Muse tarot deck

In tarot, the number six appears in the major arcana as The Lovers. This theme is not exclusive to romantic love, it spans across all areas of life. This year will feel more fulfilling because we will be working toward, or on, the things that truly make our hearts beat. This is also a year in which relationships will evolve, dissipate, or come in — whichever way it goes for you, remember that everything will be happening as it should to prepare you for the next chapter in your life. The Lovers card also serves as reminder for us to operate out of a space of unconditional love, and to also nurture the love we have for ourselves. This year will be all about taking the wisdom and knowledge you’ve gained through your changes in 2021 and putting forth effort to create solid foundations in these areas to be built upon in the years to come.

2022 and its 6 Universal energy will place an emphasis on relationships, regeneration, and responsibility. 2021 came with several challenging, and also life-altering lessons. In 2022, it will be time to apply all that was learned. This will be a year with a much more focused, progressive, and positive tone. There will be several opportunities arising to advance in your desired field(s), strengthen the most important relationships in your life, and level up in your spiritual journey. Working with all of these energies will also lead to abundance, success, and contentment. Most importantly, the focus is on the things that tug at our heartstrings this year. So, find your footing, reevaluate the path, and get to work.

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Aujha Aye

Creative, (always) hungry, and selective introvert living her best life. Buy me a Jasmine Milk Tea :): https://ko-fi.com/aujhaaye