Intuitive Tarot: May 2023 Love Readings (All Signs)

Aujha Aye
2 min readMay 5, 2023

Watch for some insight on what to expect on the love front this month. These are Sun & Venus placement general/collective tarot readings — the messages may also resonate with your Moon or Rising placements (you can book a personal love reading here). Love readings will be up for everybody for the month of May. In June the All Signs Love & Money readings will become an exclusive feature for SHC Members.

These readings are for both single & partnered individuals. The timestamps will reflect this (single time/partnered time). Also, I split the May love readings into two videos, scroll to find your sign’s timestamp.


♉️ Taurus 3:28/ 7:10

♊️ Gemini 13:24/ 17:30

♋️ Cancer 22:52/ 27:05

♌️ Leo 32:32/ 36:18

♍️ Virgo 40:21/ 43:25

♎️ Libra 49:28/ 53:19




Aujha Aye

Creative, (always) hungry, and selective introvert living her best life. Buy me a Jasmine Milk Tea :):