Testing Writing Strategies on Medium: Consistency

Aujha Aye
2 min readApr 4, 2022
Image: Vecteezy.

Consistency really is key on this platform. I created my Medium account years ago and have gone through inconsistent waves of actually publishing on here. After quitting a miserable job with an airline in August last year I decided to get back into the freelancing content writer and blogger lifestyle. I’ve kept my Medium membership over the years so, I would always see the stories about earning money on here and decided to sign back up for the Partner Program.

I probably picked the worst time to ramp up as Medium just changed their policies for Program writers. I don’t think I published any stories last year so my following was very small, it still is, but — it’s growing! In January of this year I published eight stories on various topics after a year-long hiatus and saw my follower count grow from 18 to 24. In February I published 10 stories and grew to 29 followers. In March I published 17 stories and saw the most growth I’ve ever seen for myself on Medium; my follower count went up by 27 people, bringing my ending count for March to 56 followers.

Photo: Aujha Aye

Breaking it down — if I continue to write an average of about 12 stories a month I’ll see about 13 followers. Which means roughly one follower for every story. I’ll be publishing more stories and testing more strategies this month. I’m hoping to see some sort of upward trend (and to get myself back into the Partner program) and to double, or even triple the followers-to-published-stories ratio for my personal blog.

What are some of your suggestions for growth on Medium? Feel free to leave a comment. You can also learn with me as I test the waters on here by following & subscribing :).



Aujha Aye

Creative, (always) hungry, and selective introvert living her best life. Buy me a Jasmine Milk Tea :): https://ko-fi.com/aujhaaye