Venus Retrograde in Capricorn: Getting it Together!

Aujha Aye
5 min readJan 20, 2022


Photo courtesy of Google Images.

It’s retrograde season…again. This time around we’ve got Venus making this somewhat chaotic transit. Venus turned retrograde at 26 degrees of Capricorn in December (19th) and will quickly make it’s way through the retrograde period, stationing direct at 11 degrees in the same sign on January 29th. As Venus is considered a personal planet (natal sun, moon, mars, and ascendant), this means we’ll be feeling the effects of this retrograde on a more conscious, and immediate level. The main areas that Venus governs in our lives are love, finances, and aesthetic; these are the themes that will be the most prominent during this retrograde period.

Venus retrograde in Capricorn

When we hear the word “retrograde” it can put a little fear in our hearts but — it’s important to remember not to give your power over to the retrograde. Astrology is a tool, and understanding these transits can be looked at as a way to navigate our paths with our own personal maps. So, even though the retrograde might shake a few things up, keep in mind — there’s a reason. When looking at the way a planet moves when in is in retrograde, you’ll notice it seems to stop, and then pass back over an area of space that it previously chartered. Therefore, retrograde energy can be attributed to the act of reflecting and correcting. Venus retrograde in Capricorn is all about reflecting and correcting in the areas mentioned earlier, and adding a little Capricorn essence to our process.

Photo courtesy of Google Images.

Capricorn is the 10th sign in the zodiac, forming a constellation in the shape of a goat. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that typically exhibits focused, diligent, and entrepreneurial qualities. With Venus retrograde transiting through this sign we’ll see these Capricorn qualities lent to our process of reflecting and correcting in the areas that the planet governs. Expect to feel encouraged to tap into a no-nonsense energy for a few weeks, while using your time to cut away anything you deem unnecessary to your progression toward success. You can also expect for this energy to expand into your own life — getting our sh*t together will feel like the number one goal as the planet completes this transit. Setting everything straight in our lives also includes ourselves, and with Venus being the planet of love, beauty, and aesthetic, there will definitely be an urge to show ourselves more love by creating self-care routines that we are able to adhere to on a consistent basis.

They love me, they love me not

The most peculiar side-effect of Venus retrograde energy is perhaps the way it makes old lovers [try to] spin the block. Typically, anybody popping up from your past will strictly be around to either teach or remind you about a lesson in love. Sometimes soulmates that we may have crossed paths with at the “wrong” time may circle back around. Venus’ prompt for us when it comes to these romantic and intimate relationships is to help us learn what we need and want in love, in addition to showing us how to operate out of a heart space of unconditional love and genuineness. Before you give that old thang another chance (even though you might think you want it back), take a moment to reflect on the situation.

People in relationships tend to see a little bit of action during Venus retrograde that can cause the scale to tip to either side. Usually relationships that experience problems during Venus retrograde are those that have run their course or should not have been established initially. People are also more inclined to impulsively hop into relationships or kick their relationships into the next step without taking the time to consider all of the important things when it comes to the person they’ll be sharing an intimate connection with. Again, this is a time to reflect and correct, if there are elements of the relationship that aren’t salvageable-or you feel as if you may not have taken enough time to create a stable foundation for your romantic connections, it may be time to make some changes in that department.

Photo courtesy of Google Images.

Kickin’ it in the cosmos

There are a few aspects that enhance and alter the energy of this quick retrograde including some mixing and mingling with mysterious Pluto. At the start of the retrograde Venus is in conjunction with Pluto (also in Capricorn). Pluto is the planet associated with the energy of transformation, and will encourage us to make changes in our views on love and how we operate in those spaces. This conjunction can also heighten the retrograde energy and bring about karmic love connections (soulmates, past life connections, etc.). If these situations are popping up for you, take some time to really think things through before making any major moves. Venus retrograde also makes a conjunction to fixed star Tenebellum in December. This star brings in an energy of achieving the success that we are focused on during this retrograde period with some sort of sacrifice, usually along the lines of more work and less fun or free time.

When Venus retrograde stations direct the planet will form a trine aspect with Uranus (in Taurus). Uranus energy is expansive, exciting, curious, and surprising. This trine will be happening when Venus is leaving it’s retrograde period and bring in a more pleasant energy. Uranus’ element of surprise could bring in a bit of good news or luck — especially in the financial department as both planets will be in earth signs. Venus direct also makes a conjunction to fixed star Nunki. Nunki generally brings in an air of generosity, philanthropy, and authenticity. This star is also associated with travel (long-term). Some people may find themselves seeking out a change of scenery and planning a move to a new space or area once the planet stations direct.

Make the most of this retrograde

Venus stations direct on January 29th at 11 degrees of Capricorn. The planet will be passing back over its’ retrograde degrees in a direct motion for a few weeks. This is considered the post-shadow period (pre-shadow: Nov. 17-Dec. 19, 2021). While Venus will no longer be in retrograde, a little bit of residual energy will be lingering around. This will be the best time to tie up loose ends on any projects that were prominent over the retrograde period and use what you’ve learned to help yourself tap into the success you’ve envisioned. Once we make it into March Venus will officially be completely out of the retrograde phase until July of next year.

Video: SunshinehazeCo.



Aujha Aye

Creative, (always) hungry, and selective introvert living her best life. Buy me a Jasmine Milk Tea :):